Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Right Mark Scoring

Everyone knows traditional multiple-choice or right mark scoring (RMS): students mark, teacher scores, and that is it. Stage One is done. 

In Stage Two the teacher may review difficult questions. Then, if an item is thoroughly discussed and of great value give all students the point. If it turns out to be just a bad item, drop it. Click Score for the "true" test and scores embedded in the full test. You have made a lower level of thinking STANDARDIZED classroom test. Stage Two is done.

In Stage Three, a genuine learning environment is established by students and teachers discussing items classified as Expected, Discriminating, Guessing, and Misconceptions. This is only possible with Knowledge and Judgment Scoring (KJS). Stage Three ends with re-scoring to produce a higher level of thinking STANDARDIZED classroom test.

The test fitness is an estimate of how well the test fits student preparation. This is the average score if all students reject known wrong options and then guess from the remaining items on each item. In operation, multiple-choice tests are easier than their design value, such as, one out of four, 25%. Test wise students know this.

The omit value can still be adjusted in Power Up Plus, built on Break Out and advanced features. The Omit default value for Knowledge and Judgment Scoring is set to 50% in Power Up Plus.

[Copyright dates are all 2006 when the company was created. In 2013 the company copyrights were returned to me.]

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