Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Enter, Edit, and Save Data

Sheet 1 collects the actually marks, a static record, and backup file. Sheet 2 makes possible the dynamic features for scoring multiple-choice tests. All marks have an equal value unless something happens to question that assumption.

Here is the place to STANDARDIZE your test, to select the items that performed well. You can also reward the class when a bad item prompts a deep and full discussion in the classroom. Or just drop it out of the test (This is a lot easier to do than to write the next test so the results are higher or lower to obtain a desired average class score). The analyses of the student scores will point out the items needing to be discussed and/or revised, and the need for further instruction. 

Right Mark Scoring (RMS)
Question 50, on the following test, is set to tally how frequent hour tests should be given: A, weekly; B, biweekly: C, triweekly and blank, teacher's choice.

Knowledge and Judgment Scoring (KJS)

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